Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Lavanya's marriage reception

Lavanya's marriage reception

Superhero LP

LP, came in a dashing Arakku red color. Look she has got some super powers in her hand. This photo made many of my office friends envy and asked whether LP is single.

This Serious photo pose was preceeded by a lively chat, that image is posted beneath as well. Suddenly I felt that I was in college with just 5 of us.

This image have many a resemblance to the events in college. A special mention to Jegan, aaley illaatha kadaila yaarukuda tea aathura. Dont evny me, I was having a gr8 time.

Nandhi and Shailu joined in as well.

Appaada kadaiya pathata padaama oru pose.

A nostalgic look at the past