Thursday, August 11, 2011

With my shadow

It is easy, to encase oneself with the words "I am complicated" but are we?. It is just a matter of time and allowing a person to enter your life. Relationship convert over this, you let a person share your life with. That person becomes special because a part of your life is etched with them. Like a reason to work for, a reason to live, even.

For most part of our life, we stay to ourselves - there are friends, family, but we prefer to keep things to ourselves. This is not in design but because we are constrained, because we are the first person who had the experience. It definitely can't be translated or put across that easily to another person. The pain / happiness can be shared but the experience is definitely ours.

Gradually it shapes you, your speech patterns, your attitude, your sense of humor and everything you are. Experiences are like a river shaping a canyon over time. It created profound impact over time. Suddenly a character is born, unique to the world. Voila ! work of God.

But there also comes a phase where you want to unlearn what you learnt and rethink your life. For everything seems to be in balance but it doesn't give you satisfaction over life. It definitely is not material wants or luxury / it definitely is  not a sense of security ( financial or otherwise). It is all about bonding, it is about how you relate to the world. It is about giving and the best place to start that is with your family.

Giving is - to give your ears, heart, mind and time!!. Of course, the mind retrieves knowledge from the deep pockets of the already shaped canyons but it is not rigid. This is where the learning and unlearning comes in. It is like a work of art in progress. You shape it, you paint it, you let it talk to you and allow it to be itself rather than constraining a mould around it. For each creation shaped by us, shared with us has its purpose and freedom to live.

You are designed to see your oneness with the universe but your part in the entire summation of the series which makes up the world as it is, seems so negligible. So tiny, but hey!! isn't that a relative word. As they say in idol worship, you need a medium which you can relate to, in order to connect to God. A lingam, a cross, a tree, such things when viewed with bhakthi seems to connect us to Him. Similarly to view our oneness with the world as it is, we need another person to whom we can relate to. One who understand us, one who lives with us and one who completes us. I believe I have found mine