Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Saturday knight freak

Saturday night FREAK
This thing talks about a boiled up saturday after three day marathon run on a project. So what does the knight do at the end of a streak, he goes into his groove. That is exactly what happened and I just burst into my room, dying to hear some music after hearing some foot tapping numbers - I decided to take it into dancing. The moment I increased the bass in my system I knew I was dying to dance. The song just consumed me( thats smooth criminal baby)-ha haan- not the MJ thing - It was the ALIENT ANT FORM bonanza casting a spell upon the night by freezing it outside and burning inside.

I just had it covered and maintained by creating a video of it and lived to tell the tale.

This is the path of the file in miniature 192 x114 format in SQF enabling extreme video compression with audio.

-needs flash 7.0 (MX)

Done with Saturday - Sunday I woke upto to see the sun scorching me in its extreme 12 hours avatar. It was again a sleepy Sunday(you bet). This election I casted my vote to DMDK -Royapuram Babu was the candidate (Gosh! I dint even know the person -Yet I wanted to vote for him).

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